Cease cherishing beliefs. If you could follow this one simple instruction to its absolute conclusion, you would be enlightened, free, truth realized.
Supports for Awareness Practice
Practice and participation opportunities available from Living Compassion and the Zen Monastery Peace Center
Workshops and Retreats
Workshops, retreats, and month‐long practice opportunities are offered at the Zen Monastery Peace Center in Murphys, California. A variety of evening talks, workshops and retreats are also offered in locations across the United States and internationally. Check our schedule for events in your area.
Open Air Radio with Cheri Huber
Open Air is a weekly call‐in talk show, broadcast on Tuesdays, 4:50‐6:00 pm PT. Cheri takes calls from listeners throughout the United States and across the world in a conversation supporting the practice of conscious, compassionate awareness.
Email Classes
Offered several times a year by Cheri Huber and the Zen Monastery Peace Center, email classes are structured as two assignments a week on a particular topic delivered by email for four weeks. Participants do the assignments and email back their experiences. Cheri responds to every email and all are posted for the whole class to read. (Names are removed to assure anonymity.) This dynamic structure creates a powerful experience of Sangha.
Zen Awareness Coaching
Under Cheri Huber’s guidance, the Zen Awareness Coaches program provides one‐on‐one support for keeping your practice commitments. The coaches’ individual expertise includes depression, addictions, food issues, fitness, creativity, business, finance, relationships, illness, and grief. Each Coach has a deep personal practice and will be training and receiving guidance with Cheri as they work with you.
Recording and Listening Website
This website is a one-stop‐shop of resources and inspiration for those who have a Recording and Listening (R/L) practice and those who want to begin one. The site features a weekly blog, resource articles on topics like overcoming resistance or jumpstarting your practice, quick tips and tools to try, inspirational audio clips, training videos on how to organize recordings, and more.
Reflective Listening Buddies
Reflective Listening Buddies is a powerful way to practice conscious compassionate presence and to truly be heard, all in a safe, non‐judgmental environment. Over a three‐month period, pairs of Reflective Listening Buddies connect once a week by phone for 30 minutes. The “Buddies” take turns talking about what they are noticing related to spiritual practice. The listener uses a facilitation technique called reflective listening, simply repeating back in the speaker’s words what they said. The program includes training in reflective listening and support through regular conference calls.
Virtual Meditation Groups
Virtual Meditation Groups are support for meditation and connection with Sangha, no matter how far from the Monastery we are. Each Virtual Meditation Group is a 30‐minute meditation followed by a weekly reading from one of Cheri Huber’s books. These “conference call” meditation groups assist in maintaining a regular meditation practice, especially if there is no meditation group in your area. Join us in discovering why the Buddha taught that Sangha, the community of people who practice together, is one of the Three Jewels.
Practice Everywhere
One of the greatest challenges of awareness practice is developing the ability to pay attention and direct attention. Several times a day Cheri sends short awareness practice reminders by way of text messages, email, Facebook and Twitter. When you sign up, you choose how you would like to receive them. These simple practice reminders will lead to a clearer perception of how the reality in which you live is dictated by where your attention is focused.
Keep It Simple
Our online store, Keep It Simple, offers meditation supplies and a large collection of books and CDs to support awareness practice.